TV Natin Canada, A Voice for Filipino Workers and Migrants

Based on the current state of the Philippines, most Filipinos are left with no choice but to fly far from home to provide better for their families. While some are lucky with their jobs and lives abroad, there are still others who are unfortunate.

This has become one of the objectives of TV Natin. The show is being hosted by the fierce trio, Mr. Allan Basa, Ms. Leila Elcano, and Mr. Cesar Acuña. Their main goal is to provide public service for Overseas Filipino Workers and for Filipinos in general, not only here in Canada, but around the world.

They are firm in giving the best possible solution in helping fellow Filipinos who are currently dealing with issues too big to be dealt with alone. The episodes will revolve in communicating and reaching out to both parties, laying out the issues clearly, and also seeking advice from a credible and resourceful guest.

From abused workers, unfair employment, bogus employers, and mishandled contracts, TV Natin promises to be Filipinos’ helping hand and give them the justice they deserve.

TV Natin airs weekly on Filipino TV.

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