Filipinos are known for their great sense of humour but it was a surprise to meet Jerome Que, a.k.a “Yoyo” — the only Filipino clown here in Canada.
Cast of clowns, directed by Filbert Wong, has been aired in Filipino TV earlier this month. It is the first and only documentary that Filipino TV produced and it has been an inspiration to its director to explore more on this type of genre.
The story, which showcases Yoyo’s journey from his clowning experience in the Philippines to the choices he made when he migrated to Canada, has also became an inspiration for Filipinos to come out of their little circle and be brave enough to step in the real world of risks and uncertainties.
In Yoyo’s case, the steps he took were not easy but was definitely worth it for he discovered a talent that eventually became part of who he is.
As of now, Filipino TV is working on the possibilities to air Cast of Clowns on Amazon Prime.