Struggles Of Interracial Relationships

Canada is a melting pot of many cultures and races. Hundreds of thousands of immigrants enter their new beloved country each year and eventually meet their soulmates in the process. As a result, interracial couples are common in this country. 

According to Statistics Canada’s National Household Survey (NHS), about 360,045 couples or 4.6% of all married and common-law couples in Canada, were international or were in mixed unions in 2011. 

In the show Bangko Sa Liwasan, guests talk about their struggles and hurdles in their relationships. One of the show’s episodes tackled interracial relationships. For Stephanie, dating someone who is of a different race was challenging at the beginning of their relationship. Couples from two unique races and foundations face a number of issues that same-race couples may not necessarily experience. Stephanie quipped, “The hardest lesson was finding a way for both of us to learn and unlearn certain behaviours that we didn’t even think could be toxic to the other person. In the end, we try to be okay even if not completely understanding the other person’s story.”

Beyond the elements of a couple’s relationship and regardless of whether they can acknowledge each other’s disparities, interracial relationships must understand the partner’s beliefs and points of view in life. “We both came from what felt like the complete opposite end of the spectrum in terms of our upbringing, our politics and our aspirations. And the way we were able to come together and kind of keep a stable and loving relationship going, is to me remarkable.” Stephanie said. 

It is a challenge to adore somebody who is not the same as you in as far as culture, character & religion is concerned. And that’s only the tip of the iceberg. “We find ways to kind of come to a mutual understanding but there are some things that we can’t understand about the other person,” Stephanie added. At that point when couples are unguarded with one another, they can have very different viewpoints and approaches on issues. 

“As much as we hate our rollercoaster ride and trials, we always find a light at the end of the tunnel to keep the relationship going,” Stephanie said. 

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